Friday 8 April 2011


I go threw phases when I love quotes and read then all the time and here are some Quotes I have collected and like...........

1)Life isn't about waiting for a storm to pass, its about dancing in the rain.
This quote reminds me to not think about what bad is going on and just have fun 

2) No one will make a lock without a key.
Similarly, God won't give problems without a solution

3) Sometimes you got to get hurt in order to grow. Sometime your vision clears only after your eyes a washed away with tears.
This says that its Okay to cry sometimes get hurting can lead to a good thing.
4) No matter how hard you've been through always remember that not all road are rocky.

5) It may be stormy now but it can't rain forever

Hope some of these Quotes have inspired you.................

Sunday 27 March 2011

Spring Stroll.....

Woke up this morning, It was such a beautiful day had to make the most of it, so went on a Spring Stroll threw St James Park. Even my outfit was Spring inspired.
Here are some picture I took..........
 daffodils=spring =)

look at this little poser lol

I don't know about you but I thought this tree was pretty cool.
how cute is this little cottage. It was built in 1841 the bird keeper lived here. Adorable
Then we walked to Piccadilly circus and saw a huge Waterstones (love Waterstones) it had like 5 floors.
Inside I saw Paperchase (love that now too) Paperchase this the cutest stationary ever.
I bought these two adorable notebook (love)

Saturday 1 January 2011

☀̤̣̈̇ː̖́ H̲̣̣̣̥ɑ̤̥̈̊ρ̥̥ρ̩̩̩̩̥ÿ̲̣̣̣̥ N̤̥̈̊є̲̣̥ω̲̮ γ̥ε̲̣̣̣̥α̍̍̊я̩̥̊ ː̗̀☀̤̣̈̇ː̖ and Review

Happy new year! Today is the 1/1/11 wowzas ! Last year was not the best of years for me and my family but I hope 2011 will be much better and happier  BTW did you see the fireworks last night WOW
 People had be waiting since midday till 12pm for 8 minutes of fireworks CRAZY  I was inside with my mum thinking about 2010 and praying 2011 will be better.

Anyway I thought I should do a little review. I thought about it and decided to review O.P.I Drip Drop Dry. So if you paint your nails alot and hate waiting for them to dry then this is the perfect product for you. After applying your nail polish put one drop (or 2 if you prefer) on your nails  then wait 2 minute's and it should be dry (if you want you could apply a top coat if you want it to last longer) and then you are ready to go. P.S You can get it from amazon or eBay for about £10
Lots of Love from yours sincerely PinkSugar

Monday 27 December 2010

This Or That Tag!

Watching "The Snowman" I love this film its so Christmasy and cute. Watching it with my Mum. Kinda want it to snow again so we can make a snowman. LoL my mum turns into such a kid watching this film (so sweet)
Anyway so I wanted to do a different type of post today, I am doing the This or That tag.
blush or bronzer - Blush
lip gloss or lipstick - Lipgloss but still love Lipstick
eye liner or mascara - Eye liner only because Mascara takes too long for me to take off.
foundation or concealer - this is hard maybe ....... concealer
neutral or colour eye shadow - another hard one but I gotta go with neutral
pressed or loose eye shadows - pressed
brushes or sponges - Defiantly Brushes

OPI or china glaze - I have 3 OPI and 2 China Glaze nail polishes I don't mind either
Long or short - Long but not too long I hate them really long (If that make sense)
Acrylic or natural - Natural
Brights or darks - Dark for the fall and bright in the summer
Flower or no flower - I have not got a flower before but a flower would look cute

perfume or body splash - I mostly use perfume
lotion or body butter - I l use both

body wash or soap - I use body wash mostly
lush or other bath company - LUSH

jeans or sweat pants - Jeans but i wear sweat pants at home (actually wearing sweats right now)

long sleeve of short-  both
dresses or skirts- Thats a tough one

stripes or plaid - plaid
flip flops or sandals - I love both
scarves or hats - mmmmm how about a scarf and hat connected

studs or dangly earrings - They are both cute I think
necklaces or bracelets - OMG I am so bad at answering these these questions I keep saying both
heels or flats - both : /
cowboy boots or riding boots - .... cowboy boots
jacket or hoodie - jacket
forever 21 or charlotte russe - Forever 21
abercombie or Hollister- I live in UK and we don't have them here
saks 5th or nordstrom - Same as the last question

curly or straight- I have straight but I love curling my hair
bun or ponytail - Ponytail
bobby pins or butterfly clips - bobby pin
hair spray or gel - I don't really use any but i if i had to chosse then hairspray
long or short - Long
light or dark - Dark ( I got dark brown hair)
side sweep bangs or full bangs - Side swept bangs
up or down - Down mostly

Rain or shine - Shine
Summer or winter - Summer
Fall or spring - Fall
Chocolate or vanilla - Vanilla ice-cream but Chocolate for everything else
East coast or west coast- West (LA)

Ok gonna go now watching Alan Carr (good guests are on today) 
Bye from PinkSugar 
P.S cant believe I have over 100 views :O (crazy) 

Sunday 26 December 2010

My Favourite Christmas Delights

Hope everyone had a good Christmas. So on Christmas Mum woke me up to open all my prezzie and she got me........

Pure Poison Perfume, I love the smell of this so much. I have been wanting this for ages and wore it on Christmas :D

This book is really good, I have not started it yet because I have been so busy. But it is good book to pass time.
This Mascara has a huge brush which i really like and its very volumising.

I always use my Mums modelsown black eyeliner so she decided to get me my own :D

Lol you can see my gown in this picture.
I get this chocolate every year since I can remember. Yumm

 :D I didn't have any jackets and it so cold this time of year so I will be definitely making good use of my leather jacket. Sorry I cant find a picture of it :(

Thank you Mum Love You Xxxxx

Then my Uncle got me something from Dior, which I have been wanting for a while. It was so nicely
packed I had to take pictures of while I was opening it :) (it was a Christmas and Birthday present since my birthday is next month)

 I had a mini size of the perfume and loved it so now i have a full size. So Thank you to him for getting it for me :D
Hope everyone had a nice time opening presents, eating Christmas dinner and spending time with family.  :D

Thursday 23 December 2010

Early Christmas Prezzie

I can't believe its christmas eve tomorrow, i am so excited :D Anyway my Mum got me 2 things from boohoo so here they are......

Chanel inspired bag (love it) you can adjust how long or short you want the chain

Then is this funny little keyring lol she said it look different in the picture but i still like it.
More christmas post will be up on Boxing Day ;)
P.S. Thank you to the most amazing person i know, she is an inspiration to me in so many ways and i love her to death and its my Mum, Love you Xxxx

Tuesday 21 December 2010

Nutella Hot Chocolate

Hi, Today I am doing a post on making Nutella Hot Chocolate. I have been having this all the time in the cold weather and lovvve it. So this is how you make it.
All you need is: A Sauce Pan
Whipped cream
and a mug (duh)

Put how much ever milk you need in your saucepan and heat it up on the cooker
When it has warmed up, put 1 or 2 spoons of nutella in (I prefer one) the saucepan
Whisk the milk till all the nutella has melted
Pour it in my favourite mug
Optional: Add whip cream and sprinkles
Happy drinking (hot chocolate lol)
P.S. I thank Ingrid from youtube for teaching me this. Thanks alot girl Xxxx
Be sure to come back tomorrow for another post ;)

Hot Chocolate for 2....yummmy